Gay Dating Tips
If you find a guy on online dating sited, find a way to move from chatting on the apps to meeting in real life as soon as possible. Avoid setting up the first date with an attractive person too far into the future. But asking if a guy is free to meet for coffee later the same day or tomorrow isn’t needy. Here you will find the top 10 gay dating tips.

Don't try to force attraction if you are going on a date with a smart, handsome, positive, funny, cheerful, genuine, and kind man.
But despite all these pros of this, there was not a spark. We don`t recommend trying to force the attraction, thinking that you can grow more attracted to your partner over time. We can conclude that if a person does not have a special attraction or spark to a guy, do not try to force it.
Try to use Facetime before you meet up.
We recommended using this app, and you can see how successfully Facetime worked. If you find a gay man online and want to have a real date, use Facetime first. This app can help you avoid any frustrating situations. If Facetime goes well, you can get more excited about gay dating.

Make sure you share similar interests and values.
It is worth drawing attention to a person who likes doing some things like you: going to the cinema or exhibitions, playing sports, having similar music tastes, foods and more. You may share all interests with your partner, but it's not necessary. Similar values can be more important than similar interests because you can go to the cinema, theatre, etc., with your friends. A serious relationship can be based on love, respect, and understanding!
You should take a break from gay dating.
If you're tired of dating - take a break for a few days or weeks. Nowadays, gay dating can be exhausting. If you often go on dates, it may seem that this is the second job. If you cannot succeed, you should take a break from trying to find attractive persons. So, if you start to experience dating fatigue - take a pause. It is not something you want to push past. As soon as you get ready, go ahead and start lining updates again.

Widen your options Gay guys love to have preferences or "types."
It's okay to be more attracted to persons who look or present a certain way. But it will be good if you are open to all types of guys. This widens your options greatly. If you only date a certain type of gays, you limit the number of persons who could potentially be right for you. Communicate your needs upfront, and don’t compromise being FWB if you want a relationship. Don’t waste time; there’s only so much of it. Dating advice can be confusing. Some say it’ll work when you aren’t trying, while others will tell you to keep up the numbers game. It’s emotional madness. You need really think about what your wants and needs are for a happy relationship.
Meet gays online and in real life.
You can try to meet guys in person or wade into the world of gay dating. Thousands of persons turn to an online gay dating site to meet a partner. But the best way to find attractive gays is to try a combination of online and offline ways. Sign up to gay dating sites, and at the same time make an effort to be sociable and meet persons in real life. Your time is valuable. If there is just no spark, try to end the date by saying something like: "It was so great to meet you." The date should not be dragged out due to any sense of obligation.

Ask lots of questions.
A favorite first-date tip for gays is to ask a lot of questions. It is a bit of good advice if you struggle with shyness. You need to keep the conversation light and easy by focusing on hobbies, work, or some plans. You need to make sure you listen to your partner's answers and ask many follow-up questions. If you make a mental note of some details (it can be the name of his cat or his favorite food) and mention these things later on to show him you are interested. It does not mean that you do not need to talk about yourself if you do not want persons to leave the date knowing nothing about you.
Try to avoid checking your phone on a date.
Every time you are about to unlock your device, take a moment to think about why you are doing this right now. You should know that scrolling and reading messages is a huge problem in gay dating. Using a phone can indicate to your partner that you do not have full attention.

Be Charming.
You need to be charming when meeting with a guy in person; this fact has an incredibly positive impact on a first impression. Try giving your full attention to the partner and try to feel more at ease. Follow up with more questions to continue showing your interest.
Do not reveal too much too soon.
It is a thin line between being revealing and secretive too much while dating. When it comes to talking about why your last relationship ended, it is best to be brief. Do not go into details. Nobody wants to hear sob stories. You should be selective regarding what you say when first getting to know someone.